Thailands Department of Business Development DBD

Thailands Department of Business Development DBD

What is the Department of Business Development

The Department of Business Development, or DBD for short, is responsible for the registration of and management of businesses and partnerships in Thailand.

It was originally formed in 1924 as the Department of Commercial Registration (กรมทะเบียนการค้า) before being renamed in 2002 as part of the Government Re-organisation Act.

The DBD is supervised by the Ministry of Commerce, or MOC, but is a separate legal entity and government department.

Key Business Functions of the DBD

Business owners in Thailand will most frequently deal with the DBD when they are performing the actions below.
These are generally handled by the Business Registration Division.

  • Registering a new business, juristic person or partnership
  • Changing shareholders
  • Changing directors
  • Increasing registered capital
  • Issuing new shares
  • Obtaining a current copy of company details
  • Updating company address records
  • Adding a new branch
  • Looking up information of a 3rd party company
  • Submitting yearly accounting & balance sheets

Other DBD Divisions

In addition there are a wide range of divisions operating as a part of the Department of Business Development. Some of these operate directly with businesses, while others work on economic strategy, promotion and oversight.

  • Business Registration Division
  • Business Information Division
  • Business Accounting Supervision Division
  • Business Promotion and Development Division
  • Regional and Community Business Division
  • Finance Division
  • e-Commerce Division
  • Entrepreneurs Development Division
  • Public Company and Special Business Registration Division
  • Corporate Governance Division
  • Secured Transaction Registry Division
  • Bureau of Law
  • Internal Audit Group
  • Public Sector Development Group
  • Information and Communication Technology Centre

Dealing with the Department of Business Development

Local DBD branches operate in all provinces and most major towns and cities.

For many tasks you will be required to visit your local branch and submit the required paperwork in person.

Many tasks can now also be submitted online through online e-filing.

You can also phone the DBD call centre for information on 1570

DBD Online Services

The DBD is gradually moving more and more services online, which helps by reducing paperwork, office visits and digitising data.

The most popular services are:

  • DBD e-Filing for yearly balance sheet
  • Getting updated copy of company registration documents (many departments require a copy of this issued within 3 months to submit when filing forms).
  • DBD Datawarehouse - getting information on other companies
  • DBD e-Registrations

Other services include;

  • Book an online queue when you want to do anything with DBD
  • Company name reservation
  • E commerce merchandise registration
  • Getting English version of the company registration docs
  • Change of company’s details ( address, name, nature of business, director etc etc..)
  • Updating Shareholder list, changing share amount changing
  • Paying a balance sheet late submission penalty


Book a queue online, for visiting a DBD office

You will have to Sign up in their system first, using your ID card and email.

Once you have username and password , you can do most things in their system.

To book a queue to visit a DBD office (eg. to set up a company), you can visit

their website and click to reserve the queue.

Their conditions are;

  1. Your reservation can be made 3 working days in advance, except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
  2. You can reserve in advance 1 queue / 1 request / person / day.
  3. You will have to arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled appointment time. If arriving 10 minutes late than the reserved time, the reservation will be forfeited immediately and must receive a queue card at the service unit as usual.
  4. On the day for service Please show the evidence that has been booked with the staff.
  5. They reserve the right to provide services that are not in accordance with the terms and conditions as follows:
    1. Service is provided only to the juristic person whose name corresponds to the booking queue.
    2. The duration of the service is 30 minutes per service, which is an initial estimate of the duration. There may be discrepancies in some cases. Or force majeure causes the service period to not be as specified by the staff who can cancel the queue in advance or notify at the service point.
    3. Officers have the right to cancel the service. And to draw a new queue, for example, if the documents that have been prepared are incomplete or incomplete
    4. If there is a need for discretion The officer's decision is final.
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